The evolution of microbes living within the blood begins its life as a colloid of pure Light manifesting into primitive life forms, called Somatids, the building blocks of life.
In the blood, we find these Somatids have an urge to merge. How they merge, what they turn into, their developmental function, all will be dependent upon the terrain of the blood or the environment to which they are exposed. We cannot separate ourselves from these colloids of life: they are the primitive microbes inherent within our blood, making life possible.
Colloids can take shape in infinite ways, depending on their environment. The human body strives to maintain a 7.3 blood pH, which is slightly alkaline, 7.0 being neutral. When the body's blood pH changes from this ideal state, it can become an environment for opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms to grow and flourish. Microbial changes from bacterial, to viral, to fungal, is the path from harmony to dis-ease.
The human body strives to maintain a 7.3 blood pH, which is slightly alkaline, 7.0 being neutral.
Microbial activity caused from blood pH imbalances.
Various kinds of microbes
In 1933 scientist and inventor, Dr. Royal Rife, built an amazingly powerful and complex microscope with 6,000 parts and could magnify an object to 60,000 times its size. Its unique ability to observe microbes while they were sill alive was different from the electron microscope which destroyed the microbes.
Dr. Rife filtered bacteria down to the size of a virus, then cultured it back into a bacterial form, and then into a more evolved fungal form. This evolutionary process is known as Pleomorphism, the ability of an organism to alter its living form during its growth development, clearly visible using Darkfield Microscopy.
Dr. Royal Raymond Rife & his super microscope
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